Smt. Manoramabai Mundle College of Architecture, Nagpur
Website : www.smmca.edu.in
Smt. Manoramabai Mundle College of Architecture, Nagpur (SMMCA) under the regime of Women’s Education Society was started in the session 1993-94 as a Department of Architecture of Lady Amritbai Daga (LAD) College and was elevated to the status of a college in 2008-09 after permission granted by the Council of Architecture, New Delhi and Govt. of India, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj (RTM) Nagpur University and Govt. of Maharashtra. Post graduate course (M.Arch in Architecture Education) was initiated in the session 2007-2008 and Ph.D. in Architecture started from the year 2012-2013. Post graduate course (M.Arch.) in Urban Design was started from the current academic year (2019-20).
To reach global standards by deliberate modernization without losing the essential characteristics of our tradition. Being a women’s college, we find it most pertinent to imbibe both these qualities very consciously in our girl students.
We wish to produce socially responsible architects with sensitivity towards social issues of immediate contexts, national concerns and global effects and positive and creative approach towards life.
To create an educational environment in which students are prepared to meet the challenges of a fast developing and changing world. Hence the students are equipped with:
- Up-to-date knowledge
- Analytical and practical skills
- Creative approach towards everything that they undertake
- Attitude to be sensitive towards National, Social and Environmental issues
While addressing the global challenges we believe strongly in anchoring ourselves to the immediate context.
Salient Features
SMMCA has been ranked among the top 30 architecture colleges at all India level for 2020 and 2021 by the prestigious magazine India Today and is among the top 5 architecture colleges in Central India.
- SMMCA, under the ambit of WES offers a safe, interactive and enriching environment for girls. Discovery, Creativity and Innovation are hallmarks and thus committed to academic freedom in its fullest sense.
- Role of Research pertaining to built-environment has been understood at SMMCA since its inception. Since then efforts towards documentation of different built environment, methods to nurture creativity, multi-disciplinary research has been envisaged and carried out by the institute. Institute has an active research cell affiliated to RTMNU, Nagpur and an independent research and publication unit ‘Mimansa’.
- With modern day infrastructure, great library, experienced academicians and professionals as faculty, SMMCA creates an atmosphere amidst teak plantation conducive for aspiring architects.
- The Institution practices decentralized and participative management in all its activities such as administrative, academic and non-academic by involving all.
- There is an estimated 82 % placement of students with architectural firms from Nagpur, all over India and abroad. Several students also start their own architectural practice while many of them go for higher studies.
- SMMCA has always pioneered in displaying the best institutional values and practices. The institute is committed to contribute to the sustainable development and sensitize the students in the same direction.
- The Institutional distinctiveness is to foster pedagogy of architectural education, wherein it has set forth its vision to impart professional training to architects in the pedagogy of education, to strengthen their expertise in education and methods in transmission of knowledge.
The institution is committed to academic freedom in its fullest sense and values open access to information, free debate with mutual respect for individuals, with a belief that learning occurs not only in the classroom but also through engagement in communities and organizations beyond the college. The institute is committed to contribute to the sustainable development and sensitize the students in the same direction. The institute works with dedication towards the mission of empowering women to meet the challenges of a fast developing and changing world.