Women's Technical Education and Research Smt. Ratnidevi Purohit Institute, Nagpur
(For Diploma Courses)
Website : www.wteri.edu.in
Women's Technical Education and Research Smt. Ratnidevi Purohit Institute, Nagpur is the only Institute for women providing various diploma courses in the region of Vidarbha recognized by A.I.C.T.E., Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, D.T.E. Government of Maharashtra.
In the Twenty first century, it is the need of the day that Women stand equal and share the responsibility of economic development of the country. Women’s Technical Education & Research Smt. Ratnidevi Purohit Institute is dedicated to the cause of women’s education and aims at making them self-sufficient.
Women’s Education Society is one of the pioneer societies to launch technical education for women and our Institute is an added jewel in the crown of education in Central India. This is the only institute belonging to the category of non-conventional Technical Education stream and the chosen fields are dynamic in nature.More than three decades ago, Late Dr. (Ms.) S. Iyengar, one of the active members of the Women’s Education Society had visualized a few courses for girls based on the concept of finishing school and to begin with, launched as Post Graduate Diploma in Dietetics. For this, a team of inspired teachers from LAD college for women initially gave a helping hand. We wish to inscribe the names of those members and others who joined the venture.
Late Dr. (Ms.) S. Iyengar | Late Smt. I. Kelkar |
Late Smt. T. Shastri | Smt T. Shabde |
Late Ms. S. Joshi | Late Ms. S. Bhuskute |
Smt. Vrinda Gangoli | Late Smt. K. Mani |
Late Smt. K. Marathe | Smt. S. Bhonsle |
Ms. K. Buit | Ms. S. Kapre |
Late Ms. Johara Begum | Late Dr. (Mrs.) Z. Sani |
Dr. (Ms.) K. Narayanan | Smt. K. Lal |
Ms. Kavita Rudra | Ms. A. N. Radha |
Without their assistance and encouragement, the brainchild of Late Dr. Iyengar and Late Mrs. I. Kelkar would not have seen the light of the day. With such an humble beginning in 1970, with a single course – Post graduate Diploma in Dietetics, WTERI blossomed into a full fledged institution with unique and multifarious non conventional courses.
The year 1985 saw a glorious landmark of achievement when the Project designed and followed up tirelessly and consistently by Prof. A. N. Radha with the able assistance of her colleagues particularly Mrs. S.T. Mahapatra, Mr. S.G. Nandanpawar and Ms. B. Sinha to establish an independent full – fledged Grant – In- Aid Technical Education Institute and got the approval of Govt. of Maharashtra. The steps towards progress did not stop here as the initiative and efforts taken not only brought an institution for women in Nagpur, approved All India Council for Technical Education, Ministry of HRD as early as in 1987. From the year 2022,Our one of the two year Diploma course in Interior Designing and Decoration which was previously approved by A.I.C.T.E. Delhi ,now receiving its Extension of Approval from Council of Architecture, New Delhi. The institute gradually found its feet in the field of job oriented Technical Education. The courses available in the institute are -
Sr. | Course | Duration |
1 | Advance Diploma In Dietetics | One Year |
2 | Advance Diploma In Travel and Tourism | One Year |
3 | Diploma In Beauty Culture & Hair Dressing | Two Year |
4 | Diploma In Interior Design & Decoration | Two Year |
5 | Diploma In Stenography & Pvt. Sec. Practice | Two Year |
We are also running several need – based skill oriented technical short courses – Through Community Development Through Polytechnic in our Institute and Academy of short Term courses Through Women’s Education Society, Nagpur.
The students can enjoy the benefit of the short courses available in the Institute.
Thus, Women’s Education Society is one of the pioneer societies to launch technical education for women and our Institute is an added jewel in the crown of education in Central India. This is the only institute belonging to the category of non-conventional Technical Education stream and the chosen fields are dynamic in nature with a flair for creativity and enterprise. As recognition of our achievements in the field of women’s education the institute was conferred the BEST POLYTECHNIC AWARD IN 1996 by the Govt. of Maharashtra.
The major objectives of the institute are to :
- Impart need-based quality education to women to make them economically independent.
- Emphasis on all-round development of the individual i.e. on ‘Man- Making Education’.
- Monitor and up-date curricula keeping in view the needs of the industry. Conduct intensive survey and operation research in relevant fields like Nutrition, Diet Therapy, Herbal products etc.
- Identify innovative and useful courses which would open new vistas in the area of non-conventional courses.
- Work towards improving the employment status of the students by creating awareness among the public and concerned authority about the availability and utility of trained candidates.
- Organize and conduct training programmes, conferences seminars and workshop, independently or in coordination with various organizations, such as Indian Society of Technical Education (ISTE), Indian Dietetics Association of India (DAI), Vidharbha Economic Development (VED) Tourism Corporation etc.
- Disseminate useful information through journals, periodicals, reports and other popular publications.
The Institute offers more than mere class-room teaching. A feature which is a step beyond the routine is that the purposeful technical education is coupled with Research Wing and an Extension unit attached to each department. This has indeed added distinct dimensions enabling the institute to carry out Community Oriented Research Projects. It is highly creditable of the Dept. of Science and Technology Govt. of India. Ultimately it helped in completing the prerequisites for obtaining 100% Income Tax Exemption certificate to the Society. It is indeed a rare recognition bagged by the institution by virtue of its merits.
The institute has not restricted its multifarious activities to the privileged Urban Class alone but programmes for rural people are also undertaken by the community Polytechnic which has been launched with the assistance of Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India. The rural projects sincerely aim at improving the quality of life by transferring Technology from Lab to Land through concentrated efforts. The Community Polytechnic which covers many villages of Nagpur district through six selected centres undertakes activities targeted at providing income generation, continuing education through several skill – based courses to the rural public. Programmes are conducted with regular frequency to promote proper Nutrition, Health & Hygiene in the villages. The Institute firmly believes that optimum health can only lead to productivity and other aspects of human resources development and can be instrumental in breaking the negative vicious cycle of unproductively. Efforts are on to develop Nutrition gardens and Herbal gardens. Community Polytechnic also aims at identifying and developing spots of tourist potential in the villages.
Besides academic pursuits the institute constantly aims its horizon and attempts to work in synchronization with the industry. The Institute industry Interaction [III] has enabled it to carve a niche’ in the field of Technical Education. It is a matter of pride for the institute that our students have bagged State Awards number of times for standing first in the State. They are constantly motivated to participate and present Papers in the National Conferences and it is noteworthy that our students brought laurels by winning prestigious awards.
The institute has also bagged the prestigious award ‘Paryatan Sewa Award’ for the year 1994 for contribution in the field of Travel & Tourism, especially for manpower development by the Butibori Industries’ Association.
With such all-round development, the institute has reaped the fruits of its labour by winning State Award as best technical education institute [polytechnic] in Maharashtra for 1995-1996. The Award has been conferred by the Ministry of Technical and Higher Technical Education, Govt. of Maharashtra.